Sunday 16 May 2010

Global Warming and Exam Anxiety (Or Lack Thereof, For the Most Part)

(SATURDAY, 15 MAY 2010)

Apologies for the late entry once again. I don't really have an excuse this time, I just forgot.

Today was fairly average if rather busy. At least it was a nice day, the first nice day we've had this summer, not including the beautiful days we experienced in March, which mysteriously disappeared. If this is global warming, then you could say I'm getting quite nervous.

Well, with my A Level exams mere weeks away, with only one week of scheduled lessons left, the panic still has yet to sink in. I'm usually one of those people who remains fairly calm until I'm literally sitting in the desk with the paper in front of me and the invigilator says we can begin. I have a brief moment of panic, then my head clears and I'm fine. I think it's much more efficient than fretting for months before the exam, to just have a quick burst of panic and then just get on with it.

I certainly hope I will be able to write for longer than this in my actual exams. If I wrote an answer this short, I would be lucky to get an E.

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