Sunday 16 May 2010

The Blog Post in Which Nothing Happens

I have nothing of interest to write about.

But I have to write every day, so this is a bit of a dilemma.

I hope you like the little widgets I put in the sidebar of my blog. Now you can see what I'm tweeting about and listen to some of my favourite independent music from Jamendo. I'm thinking of adding some more tracks to it, once I find more music I like.

The weather over here in the unspecified region of England in which I live doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind whether it will be sunny or rainy, warm or cold. It's just juggling all four at once, really. It's not easy living in an area with schizophrenic weather. At any rate, I certainly can't deny that I don't get bored with the same predictable weather, even if unpredictable weather is less than convenient.

Unfortunately this is a very short entry because, as I mentioned at the beginning, which you probably remember because it isn't that far back, I have nothing to write about today.

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