Friday 4 June 2010

On Writer's Block

Writer's block has been plaguing me the last few weeks. Not just in getting my thoughts down, but in forming thoughts and ideas to begin with. For example, I'm planning to enter a script writing contest, and I have gone through several like-minded concepts and I haven't been happy with any of them, or at least I haven't felt that I could truly win with them. If I want to even have a chance at getting even a runner-up prize, I can't do the same bland scripts that everyone else will be doing. I suppose the main problem I'm having is that it needs to be short: it has to be a one act play, so I can't allow the usual amount of build-up that I'm used to.

I know this is starting to sound like a self-pitying 'I can't do anything' post that you would expect to see on LiveJournal or something, but I honestly can't even think of a decent topic to write about here, so I thought I would try to write about not being able to write. If it wasn't such a tired, overused concept, I would use that for my script. Unfortunately, well I already said why I can't really use that. It just screams 'look at me, I'm trying to be clever, original and ironic!' when there will be about a hundred more just like it.

At least this allows me to spend more time thinking about my exams and preparing, as it doesn't require the same kind of thought process. I already know the kinds of things I will be writing about, I know exactly what the material will be, it won't be nearly as difficult to come up with ideas, but I suppose the execution itself is the really daunting part when it comes to exams. Yes, many of my blogs for the past three weeks will mention examinations. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

Until tomorrow, you crazy diamond.

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