Saturday, 5 June 2010

Unobservant... in HD

We bought a new television today and I've only just realised now that I have no idea when the old one was moved away and where it is now being kept. It honestly never crossed my mind. I was at home when they brought it in, I remember because I came home to an empty house, went to my bedroom and when I came out, people were home and there was a new television. Yes this also means that I was unaware of their return. I never realised just how unobservant and out of touch I really was.

Also it just reminded me that I will only be living where I am for a few more months now (three or four, if I'm not mistaken) simply because I made an offhand comment about only enjoying the new TV for a few months because I will be going to University in September. Hopefully. I've gone through it a thousand times in my head and I'm fairly sure there is not much of a chance that I won't at least be able to go to my insurance choice.

Well, thinking about the future is both exciting and frightening, but I would have to say it's mostly exciting, but I'm jumping the gun. First exams, then riotous student life.

Until tomorrow, you dudes and dudettes.

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