Saturday 15 May 2010

Post-Compulsory Education Is Just That

(FRIDAY, 14 MAY 2010)

Apologies for the late post, I know it isn't the 14th anymore, but I went out this evening and only just returned.

I was at the Royal Albert Hall watching Filmharmonic 2010, a professional orchestra performing various famous movie scores. There were some obvious choices like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, then some more unexpected numbers including Ghost Busters! I never imagined it would sound so impressive with an orchestra.

Onto my main topic, earlier today, in my English lesson, exactly four people turned up, including the teacher. I find it a little bit disturbing that, this close to exam time, people are still skipping out of lessons. I find it strange that people who choose to be in sixth form skip lessons. Why not just not bother coming to school at all? I suppose I shouldn't worry over it, since it doesn't affect my grades in any way, but these happen to be the same people who whine about not getting the results they wanted and claim that their teachers didn't teach them properly. How are they supposed to teach you when you're not there? If you can't be bothered to turn up, why should they have to chase you? As sixth formers, our education is our own responsibility.

I didn't mean to go on a tangent, but it really does bother me. Again, as it doesn't directly affect me, I suppose it shouldn't bother me, but when I have to hear people blaming their failures on the teachers, it takes a lot not to start ranting at them. Believe me, I know that some teachers really are unqualified, I understand that it is a real problem sometimes, but before blaming the teachers, we should really look at ourselves and ask ourselves if we could be putting in more effort.

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